Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Boob Girls II

The Boob Girls II: In Lies, Spies, and Cinnamon Rolls
Joy Johnson
Grief Illustrated Press
Omaha, Nebraska
ISBN: 1-56123-217-8
296 pages

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Supposedly Ben Franklin stated this or some variation of this old certainty in life. This depressing quotation is not the way that The Boob Girls, the Burned Out Old Broads at table 12, plan to live even though they live in a retirement community.

Hadley Joy Morris-Whitfield, Dr. Robinson Leary, and Mary Rose McGill recently had the adventure of their life, after raising their families. The threesome, along with Maggie Patten, learned to live after the death of their husbands, and to have the time of their lives. Unfortunately, Maggie died during the adventure which is chronicled in Book 1 of The Boob Girls.

Being that there is now an empty place at their assigned table 12, Patty Whack is the new Patty Whack addition to this table group at the retirement home. She is an undercover spy pretending to be a retiree while still working on current investigations. She essentially is taking Maggie's place even though no one can actually replace this hardened, loveable character. Also, new to this novel is the larger than life, Mrs. Evangeline Goldberg and her large men and cinnamon rolls as they romp into a cemetery adventure.

The first book in this series is wonderful because it is believable and the reader can actually have an adventure with these ladies without actually getting tattooed. This second book is a little unrealistic with both the grave robbing and the break-in with the undercover agent. The characters, especially the first three Boob Girls, are delightful and are beginning to have some romantic interests.

This is a lighthearted mystery series with wonderful characters who start living after grieving. This is an encouragement to all of us. Also, these books need to be read in order because the reader needs the knowledge of the character development from the previous book(s). This is not a book that should be read as a standalone novel.

The Boob Girls series is written for mostly retired women readers. It's message is of how to develop friendships and to start living again, especially for those who have never had an adventure. However, there needs to be more adventures without either unrealistic action adventures or excessive money.

Joy Johnson, along with her husband, Dr. Marvin Johnson are the founders of North America's largest bereavement resource centers and Ted E. Bear Hollow which is a center the grieving children.

I look forward to more books in this series.

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