Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Invention of Clay McKenzie

The Invention of Clay McKenzie

Ed Teja and J. Reid Beckett

Float Street Press

Silver City, NM

ISBN: 1479378216



$ 13.99

306 pages

In the book business today, it is difficult for an unknown author who writes well to become successful. Besides having the skills to be an excellent writer, the authors of today need to be charismatic with the media to become a celebrity in order to make those best selling charts with every published book. The total package is needed for success.

Stephanie Masters works as a junior editor for Icon, a large and successful publishing firm. However, advancement is this competitive business is a matter of luck and capitalizing on any and every advantage.

Stephanie has found the opportunity of a lifetime. In the multitude of submissions to Icon, one manuscript is exceptional. She is aware that if she takes this through the ordinary procedures, this manuscript will probably not be the best seller. This could be her big break of a lifetime.

Why not check this opportunity out to take a chance?

Stephanie decides to take some time off to actually meet the author. What she discovers is a reclusive widower in New Mexico who wishes to be left alone. She knows that she is capable of working with this author to create a phenomenal novel. The problem is that the author will not and can not be the face for this book. He has no charisma and doesn't want it. However, Clay McKenzie is the author's pen name. Can a Clay McKenzie be created as a corporation? Can an actor become this fictional author? Could this work? Could you make money, real money through this corporation?

The Invention of Clay McKenzie is an intriguing tale of a fraud, or is it? Is it legal to create a public author for the general public? What problems could happen? This particular story made me question some of my favorite authors. Are there Clay McKenzie's out in the real world?

Ed Teja and Jim Beckett have created a thought-provoking, well-written novel. Their years of experience in the publishing world from their perspectives have created a unique story that utilizes the excellent writing gifts of both.
The Invention of Clay McKenzie is a book that I recommend for everyone, especially book lovers to read.

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