Sunday, May 24, 2009


Greasing the Piñata
By Tim Maleeny
Publication date: December 2008
Poisoned Pen Press
342 pages
$24.95 Hardback

Most of us read to escape or to experience a life that we cannot possibly have. Greasing the Piñata is fun reading. With the short chapters, the characters develop quickly and the overall pace is quick. And yes, you are always wondering about what will happen next to the main character, Cape Weathers.

Cape Weathers is a private investigator who has agreed to find a young woman’s brother who seems to have disappeared in Mexico. Cape’s skills and contacts could rival any agent trained to be James Bond. Without the finesse of Bond, Cape has a realistic sense of humor and the persistence and ethics that anyone would want in a private investigator. He’s just a likable guy that you would want working for you.

Assisting Cape is Sally who is a female James Bond with finesse and the silent technological gadget man, Sloth. These two add to the humor and likeability due to the trust of their friendships. Many of the other characters are developed in such a way that makes you wonder what their real intentions are.

I thoroughly enjoyed escaping in Greasing the Piñata. Anything can happen in Mexico and in a book by Tim Maleeny. Considering that this is the third Cape Weathers book, this book can easily stand alone since I was completely immersed in this novel without knowledge of the previous books. This book was written so well that I am definitely planning on reading the first two books.

I want to thank Poisoned Pen Press for giving me the opportunity to enjoy this delightful book.

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