Monday, May 25, 2009


Perfect Evil
by E. C. Sheedy
384 pages
ISBN: 0-8217-7530-8 (Paperback)
Zebra Books
$ 5.99 paperback

If you cared and lived with someone for five years, you would think that you would know about the character of this person and who this person really was. Unfortunately for Hannah, she finds out that after caring for Milo for the past five years, through his physical disintegration from cancer and his death, she really didn’t know him at all, even though he left all his belongings to her. Milo hid a major secret from his past.

Upon Milo’s death, Hannah is whirled into a world where she doesn’t know who to trust. To make this even more difficult, two attractive men are trying to woo her to their own advantage and then an uninvited and unwelcomed step-daughter suddenly appears with the intent upon staying with Hannah. Hannah did not trust her due to the previous drug problems and is extremely uncertain about this questionable visit.

Hannah was happily married to a man much older than herself. She had a son, but both were killed in an accident. Being that her husband and Hannah had operated an antique business before, Hannah welcomed working then with Milo in the antique business and living in his house in an obviously platonic relationship.

Not knowing what a 1937 Cord actually looked like was a disadvantage I had in reading this novel. I had never even heard of the vehicle. To me it was just an old car with a strange design behind the front bumper.

The mystery plot of this novel was well-paced, well-written, and well-done. The romantic plot was too typical for my personal taste.

“Unless there was divine intervention, Hannah was going to get her kiss – and a whole lot more.”

“He was in her eyes, the way a man dreams of being in a woman’s eyes.”

I would suggest this book for any audience if it hadn’t been for the romantic aspect. This has all the intrigue of a good mystery and keeps the reader wondering up to the very end. That is the sign of a good novel.

Perfect Evil is perfect for the female mystery fans who want a taste of romance. E.C. Sheedy supposedly enjoys writing books with human bonding. With a title like, Perfect Evil, it is difficult though to categorize this book as a romance novel. Perhaps the best classification would be a mystery flavored with romance.

E.C. Sheedy lives on an island in the Pacific Northwest and has chosen to be a writer rather than to work in the business world and lives the life she enjoys with her husband, grandchildren, and her dog.

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